Woman Attacked By A Jaguar After She Crossed The Arizona Zoo Barrier

A woman was attacked by a jaguar after she crossed the Arizona Zoo Barrier to take a photograph just outside the enclosure of the Jaguar at the Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium and Safari Park in Arizona.

The woman who got injured has not been publicly identified, but she is in her early 30s. The Rural Metro Fire Department said that she was trying to take a selfie near the fence of the Jaguar, the cat reached out and attacked her, she attained injuries in her arm.

The Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium and Safari Park are investigating the incident, the zoo officials added that there was no animal in the zoo that was out of its enclosure when the incident happened.

The woman in her 30s was taken to a hospital where she was given treatment for the injuries she attained from the attack.

The woman did return to the Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium and Safari Park after the incident and apologized for her actions which she called “Foolish”.

According to the statement released by the zoo, the witnesses of the incident told the zoo officials that the woman crossed over the barrier to take a selfie.

The Zoo tweeted and said “We can promise you nothing will happen to our Jaguar. She’s a wild animal and there were proper barriers in place to keep our guests safe.”

The zoo added that the animal is not the one we should call the one responsible for the incident, the zoo officials and staff also sent prayers to the injured woman and her family members.


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