This Video Of Madhu Priya Before And After Marriage Will Show You Reality
Noted folk singer Madhu Priya’s marriage is under troubled waters after the singer filed a complaint against her husband Srikanth in Humayun Nagar police station on Saturday morning. Madhupriya stated that Srikanth began harassing him soon after marriage using foul language. The singer alleged that she has been taking care of Srikanth for six months as he is unemployed and that her husband started demanding money from her parents.
The singer before the marriage has turned deaf ear to her parents and married Srikanth against the wishes of her parents. Now, she has faulted her husband citing many reasons.
Watch Madhu Priya Before And After Marriage:
This video Will Makes Laugh But You See Her Original Behavior.
Singer Madhu Priya and her husband Srikanth episode has taken many twists and turns and finally it ended up Madhu Priya going against her parents now.