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Baby In Turkey Is Born Without Penis In A Rare Birth Defect That Affects 1 In 30 Million Boys

Baby In Turkey Is Born Without Penis In A Rare Birth Defect That Affects 1 In 30 Million Boys

Baby boy has been born without a penis, in a condition that is so rare that doctors say it only happens to 1 boy in every 10-30 million boys. The boy was born in Turkey,…

Delhi Government To Release Real-Time Pollution Source Reports From April 2020

Delhi Government To Release Real-Time Pollution Source Reports From April 2020

New Delhi, India: On October 17, 2019, the government of New Delhi announced that the capital city of India is going to have a real-time source apportionment of pollution from April next year. Delhi has…

Man Rushes Into Syrian War Zone Town To Save Helpless Cats That Were Left Behind By Owners

Man Rushes Into Syrian War Zone Town To Save Helpless Cats That Were Left Behind By Owners

Mohammad Alaa Aljaleel traveled alone to Kafr Nabl, a town in Syria, which was hit by airstrikes earlier this week, to rescue helpless cats that were left behind by people. Before the airstrike happened, a…

75-Year-Old Gujrati Woman Gives Birth To Premature 1lb Baby In India With The Help Of IVF

75-Year-Old Gujrati Woman Gives Birth To Premature 1lb Baby In India With The Help Of IVF

A 75-year-old Gujrati woman has given birth to a 1lb baby in India with the help of IVF. Indian news agencies report that the woman went through in vitro fertilization in order to conceive the…

Caught On Cam: Stealthy Leopard Attacks Dog Sleeping Outside House In India

Caught On Cam: Stealthy Leopard Attacks Dog Sleeping Outside House In India

Amreli, Gujarat: A CCTV caught a stealthy leopard sneaking inside a residential house and attacking a dog that was sleeping outside the house. According to authorities, the leopard ventured into the private property due to…

Heartbreaking Pictures Shows Homeless Boy Eating Dinner On A Piece Of Cardboard

Heartbreaking Pictures Shows Homeless Boy Eating Dinner On A Piece Of Cardboard

A heartbreaking picture is now viral on the internet and it shows a young Irish boy eating his dinner off a piece of cardboard on the streets. The heartbreaking image was shared by a café…

Caught On Cam: Armed Robber Refuses To Take Money From Elderly Woman And Kisses Her On The Head

Caught On Cam: Armed Robber Refuses To Take Money From Elderly Woman And Kisses Her On The Head

An armed robbery was happening at a pharmacy store in Brazil, and it went turned over when the armed robber refused to take money from an elderly lady and kissed her on the head. The…

Couple Stopped At Airport Security Checkup After They Accidentally Packed Pet Cat In Hand Luggage

Couple Stopped At Airport Security Checkup After They Accidentally Packed Pet Cat In Hand Luggage

A couple that was heading to the Big Apple was stopped at the airport after the security personnel at the airport realized that there was a cat inside the hand luggage. Nick and Voirrey Coole…

Police Arrest Goa School Teacher For Molesting 5 Girl Students

Police Arrest Goa School Teacher For Molesting 5 Girl Students

Goa, Panaji: The police arrested a school teacher in Goa for molesting 5 students at government-run school. According to Superintendent of Police Arvind Gawas, the teacher was arrested after the 5 minor students went to…
